Veterinary Services Offered in Canton, MI

We strive to do as much as possible to alleviate pain in our patients and help keep them healthy. Like you, we're invested in their wellbeing, and want only the very best for their care. That's why we offer a variety of essential healthcare services, in addition to advanced pain management options that your regular veterinarian may not offer.

Need to book an appointment with our team? Call (734) 844-8844 or use the online form!

Wellness care provides a solid foundation for building up your pet's health history. With routine exams and diagnostics, we can screen for illness and help prevent disease.

Vaccines can give your pet an extra layer of protection against harmful viruses by increasing their immunity levels.

Dentistry is just as important for pets as routine health checkups. We can help protect your pet against dental disease with annual oral exams, teeth cleanings and at-home treatment recommendations.

Pets can have skin conditions, too, but we can offer a variety of treatments to help. If you have an itchy pet, we can soothe their discomfort with our dermatology services.

Surgery can play a key role in preventing illness and improving health. We can offer various soft tissue procedures, along with orthopedic surgery for cruciate ligament repair.

Allowing your pet the ability to breed can have consequences for their long-term health. With spaying and neutering, we can help your pet have a better future.

For a more detailed exam, we need the extensive capabilities of diagnostics to evaluate your pet's internal structures. We can utilize an in-house lab and advanced imaging techniques for better treatment.

If your pet needs critical care, they shouldn't have to wait. We can treat your pet anytime during our regular office hours, and we partner with our local Animal Emergency Center for after-hours medical situations.

Does your pet need additional treatment for their painful condition? We offer the option of laser therapy to supplement your pet's current treatment program.

Acupuncture is a powerful tool for pain relief and healing, utilizing your pet's natural healing abilities to treat a variety of issues.

We can help your pet recover from their injury, surgery or chronic condition with the aid of manual and massage therapy. We can also recommend directed exercises for you to try with your pet at home.

Is your pet suffering from myofascial pain syndrome? With trigger point therapy and other treatments, we can relieve your pet's myofascial pain and enhance their quality of life.

Do you think your dog or cat may be suffering from osteoarthritis? We can help diagnose this progressive disease and keep your pet's condition from deteriorating.

Librela is a new osteoarthritis drug for dogs! Check out more information about this treatment therapy.